Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Boris Johnson cycling in London. Photograph: Rex Features
Boris Johnson rescued a woman from three "feral kids" who were wielding an iron bar, chasing them away on his bicycle, it emerged tonight.
The mayor of London was cycling through Camden, north London, on Monday night when he answered the cry of Franny Armstrong, a documentary maker and environmental activist who was surrounded by a group of hoodie-clad young girls.Johnson stopped and chased the girls down the street, calling them "oiks". He then returned to walk Armstrong home. "He was my knight on a shining bicycle," she said today.
Armstrong directed the film The Age of Stupid, and is the founder of the 10:10 campaign, which aims to cut 10% of carbon emissions in 2010 and has attracted support from leading firms and personalities."I was texting on my phone so didn't notice the girls until they pushed me against the car, quite hard," Armstrong said. "At first it was quite funny, because they were only about 12. Then I saw that one of them had an iron bar in her hand. It was more than a metre long. It was as big as her."Then along came a cyclist. And I thought, 'Good, he's a big bloke,' and shouted, 'Can you help me please?'"He stopped and turned around and I thought, 'Oh, my God, it's Boris Johnson.'"He asked the girls what was going on, and at first they didn't move, so I said, 'That's the mayor of London!' and they ran off. They must have thought they were going to get in trouble. One dropped the bar, so Boris picked it up and cycled after them. He returned a few minutes later and walked me home, and we talked about 10:10."
On her Twitter feed she described her attackers as "feral kids".Armstrong admitted she did not agree with Johnson's politics, and had voted for his rival Ken Livingstone in the mayoral elections. But she added: "If you find yourself down a dark alleyway and in trouble, I think Boris would be of more use than Ken."A spokeswoman for the mayor confirmed that he had intervened to help Armstrong, but declined to comment further.
Johnson is something of a magnet for action when out and about. Earlier this year, he was nearly hit by a speeding lorry while out on his bicycle scouting for locations for new cycle routes. And in July, he fell in a river in Lewisham, south-east London, while trying to help a clean-up operation.
thanks to stewart barker, european correspondent for "the kim west radio cycling show"
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kim asks: can you see frank cownie doing this?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
tour of missouri - FREE STUFF & INTERVIEW IDEAS

i'm heading to missouri this weekend for the duration for my radio show. i want some input from you, my listeners.
who do YOU want to hear from?
at the top of my list, of course, are jason mccartney and tom zirbel. but who else? are there riders from the mid-west or some other part of the country who deserve to get some air time? are there somereally cool stories out there that you want to know more about?
contact me with story ideas at or or
by the way, have you registered to win some really sweet prizes? the tour of missouri has, once again, has given us all sorts of great stuff, and all you have to do is REGISTER.
here's what you might win:
--cannondale quick 6 bicycle [$500 value, a quick conversion to a nice cyclo cross bike]
--yakima double down 4 rear hitch bicycle race [$350 value]
--mavic road shoes and pedals [$300 value]
--bissell "healthy home" vacuum [$250 value]
--tour of missouri replica leaders jersey [$100 value--but i'll try to get it autographed!]
here's how you enter:
1--go to my "personality pages" at my radio website:
2--click on the "tour of missouri" link
3--enter your email address
and then sit back, enjoy the tour of missouri [i'm going to have LIVE daily updates on one of the clear channel FM stations--can you believe they haven't told me which one yet?], and watch for some amzing in-depth interviews. hopefully, the ones you want!
so email or call me, and if you're at the races, get in touch with me, and buy me a drink!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
this sunday on the kim west radio cycling show

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
from my mailbox [radio AND orphanage]

[click on image to enlarge]
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
lang's new 29er
Thursday, January 22, 2009
cold and snow got ya down?

Sunday, January 18, 2009
music for your outside riding pleasure
Thursday, January 15, 2009
take 5 mintues to defend cycling
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Monday, December 29, 2008
your assignment for next sunday's episode, legislator:
Sunday, December 21, 2008
first ice beard submission, winter 2008-2009
scored my first photographable ice beard of the season. not bad for the last day of autumn. sigh...i took several photos, to get the best one; the one that distills the essence of the ride, and the captures the "me" that went out, and later, returned. i believe that this one, me in my beanie, my armless mannequin sunning atop the buffet, says it best.
i am more than just a radio personality, orphanage director, and spiritual advisor to cyber thousands. yes, i also do a little r&d for a number of cycling concerns. i did a little work in the windchill tunnel today for an unnamed frame builder, who has contracted with me to help develop a better/faster cross/gravel bike bike.
although i am contractually bound NOT to say anything about the nature of my work, as it relates to any specific bike or detail, there are no restrictions with casual use of raw photographs. these two fall within acceptable guidelines. what do YOU see?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
gimme five feet!
Vehicles passing bicycles: Drivers would have to be at least 5 feet from bicycles when approaching them before passing under a proposal being drafted by Sen. Joe Bolkcom, a Democrat from Iowa City. Penalties for violators haven't been determined. "We've had a fair number of fatalities in our state with car/bicycle collisions and, in every case, the car wins," Bolkcom said.
contact YOUR legislator TODAY!!
[click on link to find your legislator's email address]
Monday, December 8, 2008
uncle frank wants YOU!!